"To master fear is the most important battle to win" --- BKS Iyengar
Respiratory Sequence from Lois Steinberg: https://www.loissteinberg.com/practice-sequences
Free Iyengar Yoga Sequences: https://www.iyengar-yoga-sequences.com/sequence-1---10
Here are some links that provide a lot of great information for your yoga practice as well as some non-yoga related sites
In the era of over-abundant information, and social media overload, I am thinking less could be more:
Iyengar related websites have a lot of good information relating to practice, philosophy and life in general:
Iyengar Yoga Organizations:
Iyengar Yoga - B.K.S Iyengar Home BKSIyengarHome
Iyengar Yoga Association of the US: IYNAUS
Iyengar Yoga Association of the Southeast: IYASE
Physicians Committee for Responsible Health, PCRM
International Association of Yoga Therapists, IAYT
Iyengar Yoga Videos:
Yoga Clothes:
Shorts: 1. Sukhaspace - Etsy
Shorts: 2. AmeYoga - Etsy
Yoga Props:
Yoga Blocks I (what I have at the studio - 3"); Yoga Blocks II (4")
Blankets I (wool), Blankets II (Mexican), Blankets III (white Pune style)
Yoga ECO Small Back bender. Wooden yoga back bender
Yoga Books:
Yoga: A Gem for Women (thoroughly revised 3rd edition, 2019)
Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga
Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom
Light on Pranayama: The Definitive Guide to the Art of Breathing
B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health
Core of the Yoga Sutras: The Definitive Guide to the Philosophy of Yoga
Alpha and Omega of Trikonasana - Prashant Iyengar